Die Ausstellung Clemens Weiss, Glas Objekte + Frtitz G. Rohde, Malerei + Grafik eröffnet am Sonntag, den 16 April im Kunsthaus Eurode Bahnhof Herzogenrath um 12 Uhr, die Ausstellung läuft bis zum 21 Mai 2023
Engelskirchen, behind the historic City hall at the River Agger 28 August - 30 October 2022 Installation view; Clemens Weiss: Great Dolphin Poesie an der Agger, Engelskirchen 2022
Museum Goch: 28 August - 23 October 2022 Kastellstrasse 9 47574 Goch www.museum-goch.de Invitation Card Die Kunst sucht sich ihren Platz: Die Sammlung Neumann , Museum Goch/Germany
The new Series of small Sculptures was created as a by-product of the GreenbridgeHagen Project: https://www.greenbridgehagen.com/ Further Information + Images: https://www.clemensweiss.com/the-little-car-series.html The Little Car Dealership 2022, Cars 1 - 50 Painted glass,glue ca. 41cm x 32cm, height 39cm The Little Car Series 2022: Cars 159 Painted glass,glue ca. 11cm x 5cm, height 66cm
Ausstellungsplakat: Kinderwelten- Screcken und Wünsche Exhibition installation: Kinder: Kein Kinderspiel at the Dr. Carl Dörken Galerie in Herdecke 2 February 20222
Vortrag + Diskussion in der Volkshochschule Hagen, Villa Post Wehringhauserstrasse 38 58089 Hagen Beginn. 15:30 Dauer: ca. 17.30 Volkshochschule Hagen, Villa Post Wehringhauserstrasse 38 58089 Hagen Vortrag + Diskussion in der Volkshochschule Hagen, Villa Post 30 March 2022
Am Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2021 : Vortrag: Altenhagener Brücke, Schandfleck oder Juwel? Stadtbücherei Hagen Springe 1 Beginn: 19 Uhr Lecture Flyer + the Geeengridgehagen Model at the Stadtbücherei (Public Library) in Hagen-Mitte/Germany, 9. December 2021
Exhibition: Hagen: Die Stadt September 3 - November 21 2021 Osthaus Museum Hagen/Germany Museumsplatz 1 58095 Hagen The Project: Eine grüne Brücke für Hagen (A green bridge for Hagen) will be part of the Exhibition: Hagen: Die Stadt For further Information about this Project: www.greenbridgehagen.com The model of the GreenBridge Project at the Press conference , Osthaus Museum in Hagen, 31 August 2021
The European Glass Context Exhibitions at the Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gård in Denmark will showcase the best of European glass. A curator group of 7 glass professionals made the final selection of 62 artists representing 31 European countries. Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation Crafts in Glass and Ceramics Stenbrudsvej 43 DK – 3730 Nexø Denmark Bornholms Center for Kunsthåndværk Grønbechs Gård 4 3790 Hasle Exhibiton Opening : September 11th 2021 groenbechsgaard.dk/de/ausstellungen/european-glass-context/ Red Chess 2019 Glass, Glue, Ink + Paint on Paper Dimensions 30 x 30cm Height of Set + Figures 20cm
Das Projekt: Eine grüne Brücke für Hagen basiert auf der Idee eine in einigen Jahren obsolet werdende hochgelegte Bundestrasse B57 in einen öffentlichen Park zu verwandeln,
Dieses Projekt wird Bestandteil einer Ausstellung im Osthaus Museum zu 275 Jahre Stadtgeschichte Hagen als ein Zukunftweisender Beitrag sein, vorraussichtliche Eröffnung 3 September 2021 Informationen über das Projekt: Eine grüne Brücke für Hagen gibt es auf dieser Webseite: https://www.greenbridgehagen.com/ On January 1th the New York Brief 2021 will be published at this site: https://newyorkbrief2021..com/ The New York Brief 2017, 2018 , 2019 + 2020 are still available at this sites: https://newyorkbrief2017.weebly.com/ https://newyorkbrief2018.weebly.com/ https://newyorkbrief2019.weebly.com/ https://newyorkbrief2020..com/ The years 2006 - 2016 will be transferred into a collectors Edition Cd's Set Window view at the new Studio in Hagen-Haspe/Germany, 5 January 2021
GARTENPAVILLON IM MALKASTENPARK 3.11. 2020 - 15.1. 2021 Kuenstlerverein Malkasten Jakobistrasse 6A 40211 Duesseldorf
A nine-week cross-country drive from New York to Los Angeles/California with stays in Columbus/Ohio, Louisville/Kentucky, Kansas City/Kansas, Denver/Colorado, Rocky Mountains, Monument Valley/Utah, Arches National Park/Utah, Moab/Utah, Grand Canyon/Arizona, Zion National Park/Utah, Las Vegas/Nevada, Los Angeles, Venice, CA, Santa Barbara/California, US Highway 1 to Carmel, Bid Sur,San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Marin County + Muir Woods Redwood National park, Lake Tahoe/California, Reno/Nevada, Salt Lake City/Utah, Jackson Hole/Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Buffalo Bill Dam, Cody, Keystone/Wyoming, Crazy Horse National Monument/South Dakota, Mount Rushmore, Badland National Park, Kimball + Sioux Falls/South Dakota and stops in Davenport/Indiana and Streetboro/Ohio.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfqMeHzcz90 Entering California..
On January 1th the New York Brief 2020 will be published at this site: https://newyorkbrief2020..com/ The New York Brief 2017, 2018 + 2019 are still available at this sites: https://newyorkbrief2017.weebly.com/ https://newyorkbrief2018.weebly.com/ https://newyorkbrief2019.weebly.com/ The years 2006 - 2016 will be transfered into a collectors Edition Cd's Set Lower Manhattan seen from the Canal street Hudson river Pier, September 2020
Bild Vortrag: Lecture about New York and New York Architecture 5 November 2019 Volkshochschule Aachen Peterstrasse 21-25 52062 Aachen At the Forum Start: 19 Uhr Manhattan seen from across the Hudson river in Edgewater/New Jersey 13 September 2019
Clemens Weiss + Dorothea Gelker: Sharp Edges in Sculpture + Paintings Galerie Kabuth, Wanner Strasse 4 45879 Gelsenkirchen/German www.galerie-kabuth.de Tel: 0209- 1 487 461 Opening: 27th September 2019 19:30 Uhr (7:30 pm) Exhibition: 28th September - 30 October 2019 House construction 1996 Glass, Photograph, Glue 16cm x 12cm x 124cm
Interview: clemens-weiss-laying-bridges-between-the-different-art-disciplines-and-philosophy27/7/2019
Vortrag: „Zwischen den Welten – vom Kleinen ins Große“ Galerie H1 – Buch & Kunst, Hoehr-Grenzhausen/Germany Lecture: Between Worlds - from the Smallest to the Largest Hermann-Geisen-Str. 1, 56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen Tel. 02624-9156087 E-Mail [email protected] Start: 7pm (19Uhr) Detail: Octopus on Red Drawings 2012 Glass, Ink, Glue, Glazed Ceramic, Drawing Book w. 200 Pages, Wood, ca. 28 x 30 x 143cm
Galerie H1 in Hoehr-Grenzhausen/Germany Hermann-Geisen-Str. 1, 56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen 24 May to 29 September 2019 Galerie H1 – Buch & Kunst Tel. 02624-9156087, E-Mail [email protected] Opening; 24 May 7pm (19Uhr) Opening remarks by Jens Gussek, Director of the IKKG (Institute of Creative Ceramik + Glass of the Fachhochschule Koblenz Drawings from the Aftermath Series 2001 - 2019 Ink/pigment on paper mounted in New York Post Newspapers, ca. 700 to date